Gélules de Yam sauvage

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10,66£ HT

100% Yam Powder Capsules Wild Yam Dioscorea villosa

Wild yam regulates the anti-fatigue cycle, and increases energy.
Yam or wild yam is a climbing and perennial plant. It is harvested in the wild primarily in central North America and Mexico.
We mainly use the tuber which is edible. The red root and can measure up to 10 cm in diameter.

Composition: 100% wild yam
Conditioning: 60 vegetable capsules each dosed at 300mg
Use: Take 4 to 6 capsules daily with meals. Keep out of reach of children.
Origin Peru

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SKU: 3770015526228 Category : Labels:, , , , ,
Yam igname sauvage bio traitement du cancer et soulage de la ménopause avec la DHEA
Wild Yam Capsules
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